Sakar India

About Us

About Sakar Organization

SAKAR is established in 1998 with an intention to take up the cause of access to basic amenities as entitlements and rights for the people especially for children and women. It is registered under Societies Registration Act XI of 1860 on 02.05.2003, No21582/17, FCRA registration on 104830152/ Dt.19-11-2016, NITI Aayog ID- OR/2012/0055884, TDS (TAN)- BBNSO2191, PAN No- AACTS8933Q, 12A registration No-09/2002-03, 80G Registration No- U/S80G (5) (V1)103/2010-11/142, Guide Star India GSN- 1413. CSR Registration.

The Presidents  Desk

Some years back, in May 1997, we started a non Governmental not-for-profit organization named as SAKAR (Society for Awareness Knowledge And Rightful living) to work for the vulnerable slum children in and around Bhubaneswar. It was the period when the Government was creating disarraying situations in the slums by evicting the slum dwellers. We felt that slum dwellers were being deprived of their basic human rights. This situation inspired us to take up the cause of those slum dwellers and rag-pickers and provide them their basic human rights namely basic amenities like safe drinking water, hygienic living conditions, food, clothing shelter, education etc. Since its inception SAKAR has been addressing different problems in the slanders of Bhubaneswar and fighting for the basic rights of the marginalized and the downtrodden.

Secretary of SAKAR, Swarupa is very devoted to the cause of those slum dwellers .She is one of few social workers working for child laborers’ in Bhubaneswar. Under her untiring efforts SAKAR runs 3 early childhood care cum bridge course centers in the slums of Bhubaneswar we have helped to transforms the lives of these not -so-fortune children, giving them something to hope and dream about.

Unlike others schools for the destitute and street children, these are run by SAKAR do not force rag-pickers, child laborers to give up their livelihood. Rather we induct in children a habit of learning. when the children get acquainted with studies, they are admitted to Government schools or public schools in the nearby areas. After rag-picking in the morning children attend classes in the afternoon. SAKAR provides study materials school uniforms free of cost without any Government help to allow children and their parents to develop an interest for education “CHILD means “EDUCATION” to SAKAR, which believes that every child irrespective of her/his socio-economic status must get education.

But our efforts do not end by education. It is our dream that the children’s of rag-pickers, sex workers and other street children to get education and lead useful lives by contributing to their families and society, when they grow up . SAKAR has taken up cudgels with persuaded mothers, philonthropic individuals ,institutions,Government and corporates. These groups were invited to become the agents and influencers not only for free just society but also to provide a good deal to these children. Children should be able to dream safely . In their games and studies weather during recreation and more serious pursuits for a decent standard of living.